Strength training is important for everyone regardless of your age.
However, in my professional opinion I would consider it essential for seniors.
As we age, our human bodies changes and often in ways we may find hard to embrace.
Whether it be developing or experiencing:
A slower metabolism
Decreased muscle mass and strength
Increased body fat
Reduced bone density
Stiffer joints
Slower reflexes and reaction times
Decreased aerobic capacity
All of these changes are normal and natural; however we can do our best to combat the extent of these changes. One of the most important reasons to exercise and specifically to include strength training is to slow these changes down and reduce the extent of them.
Therefore, in summary:
By the age of 70, the average adult has lost 25 percent of his or her muscle mass. And this is mostly due to inactivity of not using your muscles. Therefore, any kind of exercise can reverse this loss and build back muscle mass and strength but weight lifting, strength training and resistance training are the best.
There are also mental health benefits that are just as important as your physical health as you age. Getting older, can put you at risk for feeling loneliness, depression and feeling more socially isolated.
Therefore, building strength which increases mobility and function - truly improves your overall health, boosts your mood and will increase the overall quality of your life!
I am here to help - Your health coach, Christine