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  • Writer's pictureSam Miller - Community Manager

Heart Disease Can Be a Creeper When You're Stuck At Home; So Let's Do Something About It

Be kind to yourself. But, don't put your physical health on pause.

While everybody is encouraged to hide in their bedroom and hope they don't get bitten by the virus, the biggest cause of death is being ignored. Last year 9 billion people died of heart and cardiovascular disease. About half is attributed to bad lifestyle, poor diet, lack of exercise, booze, smoking. That's over 4 billion. You can get going now on protecting the biggest danger to your health. My online health coaching programs provide both one on one and semi-private guidance to stay healthy. Most people have to stay at home now, so there has never been a better time to get in shape, improve your immune system to ward off disease and be the healthiest you have ever been; no matter what your age or current fitness level. Not sure where to start?

Let's talk and figure out a path that works for you. Christine, The Health Coach - Voted Toronto's Number One Fitness Professional




Do you want to feel stronger and healthier this summer in only six weeks? Now is your chance!

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